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Coaching-Bridging the Gap

Often times in life we are just trying to get from "point A to point B" and efficiently as possible. It can feel like we are going from one thing in life and on to the next. Sometimes we miss the in between-the transition through it all, or sometimes we may want to skip over the transition.


While coaching together, we will bridge the gap during your transition from the familiar ("point A") to the new ("point B"). We will see new opportunities you may not have thought were possible through a fresh perspective, accomplish your goals and see progress unfold, grow in your personal development and gain skills to incorporate in all areas of life, and experience hope for the future and excitement for what is yet to come.



There is rich value and purpose in the heart of a transition. I like to look at the "in between" part of transition as a bridge. You are not quite at the familiar place starting point but at the same time, you have not fully integrated into the new yet.


I would be honored to partner and come alongside of you as your journey from "Point A" to "Point B" while intentionally becoming aware of bridging the gap.

What is the difference between coaching and consulting?

Here with Olive Branch I, Michelle, am dedicated to authentic coaching according to the standards and expectations of the International Coach Federation (ICF). There is a difference between my coaching and consulting services. 


Coaching is defined by the ICF as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." 


I focus on the client's goals and their agenda they bring to each session. It is not the responsibility of the coach to provide solutions or answers. Rather, the coach provides the space to explore deeper in conversation through: intentional questions, supporting and championing, confidentiality, constructive and transforming realizations made by the coach and client, facilitating personal development in the client, actively listening to what the client is saying and maybe isn't aware of from their own perspective, holding the client accountable to their goals they agree to, and more.


Many clients going through transition (especially during culture shock) experience a range of new emotions some including: feeling isolated or helpless, hyper-irritability, weary/drowsy or sleeping more than usual or not enough, longing for the familiar, criticism of culture (new culture or re-entering home), withdrawing from activities, loss of identity, and others.


As a result of coaching, clients have become aware of these new emotions and experiences and process how to thrive instead of just trying survive through it. While coaching is not counseling, it does provide the space to process well and look to the future while seeing new opportunities, progressing forward, growing personally, and embracing hope.



Consulting through Olive Branch: a client desires to be trained/taught about a specific topic in culture-transition and is looking for someone to help teach them. It is more focused on relaying information rather than focusing on the client and their underlying desires and personal development during their progress.


Public speaking events also fit under the consulting piece of my vision. I desire to provide encouragement and hope through training events, group discussions, motivational speaking, or conferences. The focus is on the entire group and not personalized and individualized conversations.

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Let's connect!


Olive Branch Coaching and Consulting is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


My clients are all around the world and connect through video calls or in person based out of Minneapolis with the agreement of coach and client.

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